Friday, July 3, 2009

'Heavy Metal' magazine July 1979

The July 1979 issue of ‘Heavy Metal’ magazine featured Richard Corben and Rick Courtney’s ‘Night on Bald Mountain’ as the front cover and Caza’s ‘A Boy Named Sue’ on the back cover.

This was another so-so issue. The final episode of Corben’s ‘New Tales of the Arabian Nights’ finally saw print. Some interesting b & w pieces- ‘Attila the Frog’ by Don Lomax and ‘The Great Trap’ by Sire – appeared, as did a full color tale from Gray Morrow: ‘Stingaree: Eight Belles’. But other entries, ‘Citizens Beware’ by Mark Fisher, or ‘Zooks’ by Vaughn Bode, were underwhelming.

Probably the best entry in the issue was ‘…Rears Its Ugly Green Head’ by Michael Hinge and Neal Adams. With its psychedelic art style, ‘Rears’ calls to mind Peter Max and the 60s Pop Art scene. The complex rainbow coloring displayed in the panels must have taken several months to complete, since this was well before the advent of computer graphics. Enjoy !

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, Hinge died in poverty some years back. His covers for AMAZING SCIENCE FICTION magazine, during the editorship of comics as well as sf guy Ted White, were also memorable.
