Sunday, August 23, 2009

'Spacehawk' by Basil Wolverton
from 'Death Rattle' No. 14 January 1988

'Death Rattle' was a horror comic published by Kitchen Sink Press in the 80s. It featured b & w stories, many by veterans of the underground comix of the 60s and 70s, as well as an occasional reprint of earlier material. The gruesome cover for this issue is by Dean Armstrong.

In this issue, the reprint was a Basil Wolverton 'Spacehawk' adventure from 'Target' comics ca. 1940; I've excerpted it in full here.

What with the commotion over Fletcher Hanks, a contemporary of Wolverton's, it needs be remembered that when it came to quirky genius, Wolverton was just as gifted as Hanks, and this Spacehawk story is a good illustration of that fact.

(click on each thumbnail to expand to a full-page image)

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