Monday, January 4, 2010

Killraven: 'Amazing Adventures' No. 24 (May 1974)

'Amazing Adventures' No. 24 (May 1974) features Killraven in the 'War of the Worlds' storyline. This issue is titled 'For He's A Jolly Dead Rebel', with script by Don McGregor and art by Herb Trimpe.

Although the cover date was May 1974, the issue was actually on the stands in early Winter 1974, therefore, there is a 'New Year 2019' theme.

The story: having escaped Abraxas and the Martians at the ruins of the Lincoln Memorial, Killraven and his band of adventurers make for the underground tunnel system that encircles the ruins of Washington, DC. There they have the misfortune to encounter a horde of mutated vampire bats; I've excerpted some pages of the ensuing mayhem.

Despite an increase in the cover price from 20 cents to 25 cents (a rather large increase according to the economics of the time), this issue, as others before it, offers only 15 pages for the Killraven tale, with another 4 pages being made up of (yet another) reprint from a long-ago issue of 'Journey Into Mystery' from the Marvel vaults. With the New Year of 1974 dawning, Marvel was still having problems with producing material to fill its rapidly expanding list of titles.

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