Saturday, March 12, 2011

'Heavy Metal' magazine March 1981

 The March 1981 issue of 'heavy Metal' features a cover by Matti Klarwein titled 'God Jokes', and a back cover by Jeronaton, one of his 'Champakou' -themed illustrations, titled 'I See Spots'.

Inside, there are continuing installments of Corben's 'Bloodstar', 'What Is Reality' by Ribera and Godard, 'Salammbo' by Druillet, 'Ambassador of the Shadows' by Christin and Mezieres; and some one-shot pieces:  'Milady 3000' by Magnus, 'Tex Arcana' by Findley, and 'Edward in Love' by Dominique He, which I excerpt below.

As always, outstanding pen-and-ink draughtsmanship by He.

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