Friday, July 29, 2011

'Gamma Point 3' by Sergio Macedo
from the compilation 'Psychorock'

During the  first few years of Heavy Metal magazine's existence (1977 - 1979), some of the best artwork was that done by the Brazilian artist Sergio Macedo (b. 1951). His initial pieces were primarily black and white strips, but in 1979 he produced the serial feature 'Telefield' (aka 'Telechamp').

Whether in black and white or color, Macedo's meticulous artwork has a distinctive style that incorporates the visual imagery associated with Buddhism and TM, along with that of bikers and punk culture. It's an offbeat mix, but when you throw in lots of nudity, it becomes something the stoner readership of HM eagerly embraced.

The large-format paperback 'Psychorock' was released by Heavy Metal Books in 1977; this is a compilation of  5 of Macedo's b & w Metal Hurlant strips from the late 70s.

Posted below is 'Gamma Point 3'

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