Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Yellow Heat by Russ Heath

'Yellow Heat' by Bruce Jones (story) and Russ Heath (art)
from the March, 1977 issue (No. 58) of Vampirella

By the early 70s publisher James Warren had begun using Spanish and Filipino artists to provide much of the artwork for his magazines. 

This was because by the standards of the exchange rates at the time, the Spaniards were comparably cheaper to employ than American artists. And many American artists, fed up with late or (nonexistent) checks from Warren, were refusing to work for him.

Nonetheless, occasionally an American artist would show up in the pages of the Warren titles, and a real gem of a story appeared in the March, 1977 issue of Vampirella (the issue was actually on newsstands in December 1976).

'Yellow Heat' features some memorable artwork by veteran comics artist Russ Heath, and a great plot by writer Bruce Jones. Indeed, the last two panels are a commendable example of an adept partnership by the writer and artist. 

[And needless to say, a comic like this would be very, very, very politically incorrect by today's standards. 

Can you imagine Dark Horse trying to commission something like 'Yellow Heat' for their reincarnated Creepy (comics)  title ?! ]


  1. hey the thing about blog and images has turn very difficult to read the stories I have to bring the pages one by one to my documents and then reading them in a more easy way

    the story itself is terrific, Bruce Jones could be my favourite comic writer by the way he has complaints about the spanish artists of the period, they didn't good works with the native stories like this one, maybe that's the cause why Russ Heath id this story...

    by the way have you read the early 80's series by Bruce Jones Twisted tales?

  2. This story is my fav story from Childhood. I bought this creepy in grade school new. Read it again and again and again...

    And THIS story was my favorite. Real life lesson, "Our Uthu becomes a Man! And a Man shall have what he wants, IF----"

    Was without that issue for a decade, took it on vacation and my Dad's new wife "Lost" it... And later there was the 90s "Comic book Boom" and that issue was $80 the few places that had it. But the bubble burst and I picked up one for a second at $12 then found one or two more in "Reading" condition for less than $3.

    Really "Politically InCorrect" my upbringing. Saw lots of cool "Jungle Cannibal" movies made in the 40s and 50s at my small city theatre, namely cuz they were always struggling and couldn't afford the latest movies most of the time. Weird, because those 50s movies (I don't mean the 70s exploitation ones) about "Darkest Africa" and cannibals seem to have dissapeared. You can get the "Naughty" stuff esp Betty Page now far easier than the 50s, including 'vintage' stuff that could have got you arrested then, but the "Jungle Cannibals" seem gone...

    I'm not racist, but I loathe "Political Correctness" as some sick way of creating a backlash to actually cause more racism by ramming down pretend 'anti' stuff down our throats and 'counter-racism' against whites.
