Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Heavy Metal magazine June 1982

'Heavy Metal' magazine June 1982

It's June, 1982. And my family has just subscribed to 'expanded' cable, which not only means we now have an extravagant 30+ channels to view, but one of them is this newer channel called 'music television', or 'MTV'.

MTV has been broadcasting for about a year, but only in the Spring of 1982 has it begun to grow in viewership and influence. My brothers and sisters and I are immediate fans of MTV, avidly watching it for hours each day, tolerating the crappy videos because, after all, you're only a few minutes away from the possibility of a better one commencing.

Among the large number of UK-supplied videos in continuous rotation in those early days, I remember seeing this video from the British group The Members: 'Working Girl'. Early-eighties New Wave fashions and hair styles at their finest !

The June, 1982 issue of Heavy Metal magazine is out and on the stands, with a front cover by Page Wood titled 'A Girl and Her Dog', with a back cover by Tony Roberts titled 'Isn't She Lovely ?'

There are some full-page adverts for what are now classic SF films: The Thing, and The Road Warrior
This issue features yet more installments of Corben's 'Den II', 'Incal Light', by Jodorowsky, Chaland, and Moebius; 'At the Middle of Cymbiola', by Renard and Schuiten, and 'Nova 2' by Garcia. Portfolios include a look at the forthcoming Ridley Scott film Bladerunner, and 'H. R. Giger's New York'.

The Dossier features 'Rok' Critic Lou Stathis ripping bands like Quarterflash and The GoGos for being superficial and unhip; homages to film noir; an overview of men's adventure novels (The Destroyer, Mack Bolan, etc.); and tepid reviews of StarTrek 2: Wrath of Khan and Grease 2.

The June issue also features the next installment of Christin and Bilal's 'The Voyage of Those Forgotten', which I've posted below.


  1. Thanks, this brings back so many memories. This was the first issue of HM I ever saw= a ''City life theme'' issue, to my luck. I had just moved to NYC to attend film school and on my first day in Manhattan I brought this issue at a news stand on 14th street. I had never been to NY so it seemed as weird and alien as the cities within the magazine. Thanks again.

  2. Hugo, I have posted the six-page, complete 'Blade Runner' preview at the PorPor Books Blog on 1 April, 2022.
