Friday, May 2, 2014

May is Ghetto Action Month !

That's right, folks !

I've become quite jaded from reading  so many sf novels and short story collections - particularly when so many of them are awful - that it's time for a much-needed change of pace !

During the month of May, I'll be reviewing classic Ghetto Action novels.

Pimps, teen hoods, gang-bangers, junkies, hustlers, and 'headbreakers' (cops).

None of that S. E. Hinton 'The Outsiders' shit, either. This is straight-up Ghetto Action. The kind that makes civilized people uncomfortable.

Get ready for shootings, stabbings, weed, junk, bitch-slapping, fear, and violence. 

And 7-Up and saran wrap (you'll find out what for.......and you'll be saying, what ?!  when you do !).

Stand by for Ghetto Action Month here at the PorPor Blog !

1 comment:

  1. Nothing by Chester Himes? Probably for the better, as I have a whole little stack of his novels still waiting to be read. Maybe next year?
    Also, you just reminded me that I have Ellison's Web of the City just sitting on my shelf begging to be read (along with stacks and stacks of other books).
