Thursday, September 10, 2015

Gotterdammerung from Eerie No. 100

Script by Budd Lewis, art by Isidro Mones
from Eerie No. 100, April 1979

The 70s Goodness doesn't get any gooder with this downbeat, post-apocalyptic sci-fi tale from 1979.....the lead hero is clearly modeled on the actor (Starksy and Hutch, 'Salem's Lot) and singer David Soul.......!?

part two of 'Gotterdammerung' is posted here.


  1. Puedo prometer y prometo que ni pensé en ese actor al dibujar este cómic, debió ser algo subliminal!

  2. Holy cow! I had this comic when I was a kid and wore it out. Just thought about it today and hoped the internet had it somewhere. Thanks for scanning in, amazing to find and re experience.

  3. Thanks for posting. This was a brilliant bit of 70s sci fi pulp, and I remember it well.

  4. Just like the other anonymous poster wrote, I had this as a kid and wore the issue out. I don't even remember what the cover to the magazine looked like. I just remember this one story.
