Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Gestation by Bruce Jones

by Bruce Jones
from Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction, Marvel / Curtis, No. 3, May 1975

When you land on an alien planet and you start to find that its vegetation is very....very...tasty, then perhaps you should be alarmed......

Artist / writer Bruce Jones was a regular contributor to Marvel's Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction during its brief print run in the mid-70s. This tale has its own offbeat flavor, as well as some good pencilwork (note - I had to overexpose my scans in order to reduce the discoloring from the foxing of the pages - this is, after all, a 41 year-old magazine). 

'Gestation' is also interesting for its use of cursive font in the external narration, to mimic the entries in a 'diary'. This technique has since become commonplace in comic books, but back then it was innovative. I can't say it's easy to read, however.....

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