Monday, March 5, 2018

Al Goldstein and Myron Fass

Al Goldstein and Myron Fass
photograph by Jeff Goodman
Al Goldstein (left) and Myron Fass (right)

Two titans of Schlock Publishing pose for a friendly photo.

For ten months in 1968, Al Goldstein (1936 - 2013) worked in the offices of Countrywide Publications, owned by Myron Fass (1926 - 2006). Countrywide was of course the home of Eerie Publications, which is memorable for publishing the schlock black-and-white comic magazines Horror Tales, Witche's Tales, Tales of Voodoo,Terror Tales, and Weird Worlds. Countrywide also churned out Official UFO magazine, a staple of every magazine stand in the 1970s and early 1980s.

Fass fired Goldstein when the latter asked for a raise in November of '68. By then, of course, Goldstein had published the first issues of Screw magazine, and was on his way to becoming - sporadically at least - a wealthy man. 

Despite the firing, both men remained on cordial terms and Goldstein was visiting with Fass when the above photograph was taken, sometime in the 1970s.

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