Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Soldier of Fortune: Clouds of Blood

Soldier of Fortune
'Clouds of Blood'
by Alfredo Grassi (story) and Enrique Breccia (art)
from Merchants of Death No. 2, August 1988
Eclipse Comics

A new episode of the Alfredo Grassi comic 'Soldier of Fortune' appears in the second issue of Eclipse's magazine-sized comic book Merchants of Death

'Clouds of Blood' returns to the sun-blasted, amoral setting of Bolivia in 1905. This time our hero confronts a fateful transaction involving a local jefe and his rebellious daughter.......


  1. Dude, I'm loving your blog! I've seen these comic covers before, but was unaware they had Enrique Breccia interior art! I have to hunt them down. Great posts!

  2. These SOF stories are GREAT! I can't believe I have not come across them before. Too bad they are not in a collected edition.

  3. Hola! gracias por subirlo y recordar esta obra de dos grandes como Grassi y Breccia. Me trae muchos recuerdos! Saludos desde Argentina!

  4. Hernan, me alegra presentar el trabajo de Grassi y Breccia a un público más amplio. ¡Hay muchos, muchos excelentes cómics sudamericanos que la mayoría de los norteamericanos desconocen!
