Thursday, October 4, 2018

Antiques Store Finds

Antiques Store Finds

In upstate New York, there is an antiques store I visit every year or so. 

Sometimes, if my timing is right, I find that they have replenished their selection of vintage paperbacks.

This past week, I really lucked out !

They had a new inventory of sci-fi, horror, and fantasy paperbacks from the 1960s and early 1970s. All of these books were in very good condition. And they were $2 each - !

Save for a bit of browning on their edges, the Lancer 'Conan' titles all were in great shape considering their age.

Scourge of the Blood Cult is a rare find. Speculators at amazon are asking $80 for a copy in good condition........the market for vintage smut can be exorbitant !

I'm not familiar with Sarban's The Doll Maker, although I know that The Sound of His Horn is considered a classic.

I'm not sure when I will get to reading all these, but look for me to post my reviews whenever I do. And don't be shy about stopping in at antique stores to peruse their shelves: sometimes you can find some real treasures that you wouldn't otherwise find in a used bookstore.


  1. great haul! Those covers are beautiful.

  2. I suggest reading the vintage smut first and then reselling it for the 400% markup you could get! Or you could even underprice the other sellers and still make a tidy profit.
