Friday, October 25, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe's Shadow by Corben

Edgar Allan Poe's Shadow
by Richard Corben
from Eerie No. 86, September 1977

With Halloween just 6 days away it's the right time to feature a nice little comic from Richard Corben............note that the color scheme was done well before the advent of Photoshop, or Illustrator, or any other sort of digital rendering software.

UPDATE: After consultation with reader Turtle, I found the 'missing' prologue page that accompanied this comic when it was first printed in black and white in Creepy No. 70 (April 1975). Subsequent color reprintings deleted the prologue page. 

I guess Jim Warren was too cheap to make the story an 8-pager when he 'recycled' it for the 1977 Eerie issue.........


  1. It seemed it is missing a page where Oracle tell about the plague.

  2. I checked, and all pages are intact...........?

  3. I've found it:
