Monday, May 25, 2020

Dragonslayer Part One

Marvel Super Special No. 20, 1981
Part One

Written by Dennis O'Neil, drawn by veteran comics artist Marie Severin, with inking by John Tartaglione, this is one of the better film-to-comic adaptions done by Marvel in the early 80s.

The film was notable in that it took a darker, even cynical tone in its approach to an otherwise standard-issue medieval fantasy theme. And although the denouement has a rather whacky note to it, it does avoid the 'brave hero slays dragon' cliche.

'Dragonslayer' was the first in what would be a steady string of fantasy films that lasted throughout the 80s. Just a year later Conan the Barbarian, The Dark Crystal, and The Sword and the Sorcerer all would hit theatres. And then there would be Ladyhawke and Willow.

I'm posting 'Dragonslayer' is two consecutive posts............Part One is below, Part Two will follow.

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