Thursday, July 15, 2021

At the library sale, July 2021

At the Library Sale, July 2021

After being suspended for more than a year due to the covid-19 epidemic, last week the local library resumed its biannual Book Sale, holding it over a three-day interval in a normally vacant storefront in a nearby shopping center. 

It was well attended, with a nice selection of both paperback and hardback books at the sci-fi section. All of these were not much more than a dollar a piece. I came away with a nice collection of paperbacks from the 60s and 70s (above).

I also picked up vintage hardbound volumes of Silverberg's The World Inside, and Chayefsky's Altered States, issued by the Doubleday Science Fiction Book Club (above). 

And then there was a 1992 anthology of Weird Tales stories, all published from 1927 to 1953, that deal with vampires. I was motivated to pick up this 442-page tome mainly due to the favorable reviews of many old Weird Tales stories that have been posted by MPorcius at his blog.

There always is a good turnout of parents and kids at these sales, which feature a large selection of books for juveniles. I don't know if it's peculiar to the greater Charlottesville area, but it seems that reading remains a popular pastime for many families, even in a era that is increasingly post-literate. Hopefully these younger people will advance, in time, to reading Old School sci-fi........... and help keep this Blog relevant...................... 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, some good finds! I love the painting and the extravagant blurbs on the cover of Dance the Eagle To Sleep. I hope you enjoy the vampire stories, and congrats on being a fellow owner of Barry N. Malzberg's first collection (in case some of your readers do not know, Malzberg's Final War and Other Fantasies is the other half of the Ace Double with Treasure of Tau Ceti) which has a strange and noteworthy (though perhaps not lovable) cover of its own!
