Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sci Fi Fo Fum from Texas Monthly

Sci Fi Fo Fum
by Mike Shea
from Texas Monthly, July 1998

An interesting article on the science fiction and fantasy culture in Texas in the late 1990s. 

It has some observations on the role of the Turkey City Writer's Workshop (founded in 1973 by, among others, Howard Waldrop, Lisa Tuttle, and Tom Reamy) as a vehicle for promoting Texas-based sci-fi writers. In the article Bruce Sterling, a member of the Workshop during the 70s, calls Turkey City the 'cradle of cyberpunk'. 

Along with an in-depth look at the early days of Sterling's career, the article profiles British transplant Michael Moorcock.

The article sometimes has its tone of mocking affection (The science-fiction world circa 1998 is somewhat of a social and artistic ghetto......), but that's how journalists treated the sci-fi genre and its devotees back then............

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