Monday, September 27, 2021

More Old School treasures

 More Old School Treasures
Poking around in the boxes in the back of the store continues to yield some nice Vintage Treasures, at affordable prices. Recent acquisitions include:

Conan the Barbarian: The Skull of Set: A Marvel Graphic Novel from 1989. Some great artwork by Paul Gulacy.

Hard-Boiled Defective Stories: an oversize compilation of Burns's 'El Borbah' comics from 1983 - 1988. 

Turbo Jones: Pathfinder : a 1991 compilation of the black-and-white sci-fi comic that first appeared in the UK magazine Wildcat (1988 - 1989).

And then we have..........

Daddy Cool: this 1984 graphic novel is a real rarity. It was issued by 'Melrose Square', an imprint of L.A. - based paperback publisher Holloway House. It didn't do well despite the fact that Holloway simultaneously released the book in paperback format (below). Which is a shame, because Daddy Cool features outstanding artwork by the talented Filipino artist Alfredo Alcala.

So, let the fanboys gather around the front of the store holding their 30 Pulls for the month, I'll head to the back........... where the good stuff resides.

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