Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Kris Kool English language edition

'Kris Kool'
by Caza
English language edition
Passenger Press, 2021
In 1970 the French artist Philippe Cazaumayou (b. 1941), known to Heavy Metal magazine readers as the inestimable 'Caza',  published Kris Kool, a graphic novel featuring some imaginative psychedelic artwork that rivalled, if not surpassed, that of Peter Max Finkelstein. 

The book was considered an underground classic, but unfortunately, the print run (by Eric Losfield) was rather small and with the passage of time an eBook edition, available from Caza's website, really was the only way to access Kris Kool.
An English language translation of Kris Kool now is available as a trade paperback. It's sold online by Floating World comics of Couch Street in Portland, Oregon. 

It's not cheap, at $40, but if you are a fan of the artwork of the psychedelic era, a fan of Caza's art, or nostalgic for the pop culture of the late 60s and early 70s, then it's going to be a worthwhile investment.

1 comment:

  1. wow man, so cool, though I don't think my 11 year old brain could handle this at the time.

