Thursday, April 14, 2022

At the Library Sale, April 2022

At the Library Sale, April 2022
Well, it was time again for the semi-annual book sale held by the local library, and I of course made my way to the site (and stepped carefully around the resellers, who tote in crates into which they sling books by the pound), and made my way to the sci-fi area. 

There I was able to pick up a mix of hardcover and softcover titles that may prove to be worthwhile reading......

The Disch short-story collection from 1968 should have a couple of stories that are rewarding. I'm not sure about the Cherryh omnibus. 

As for the paperbacks, 'Edge', 'White Squaw', and 'Apache' all are fine representatives of the transgressive Piccadilly Western / Adult Western genre that flourished during the 70s and early 80s.

According to a laugh-out-loud review of a 'White Squaw' title at The Paperback Warrior blog, 'Of all the series released during the golden age of action/adventure paperbacks, 'White Squaw' is one of the most sordid.' 

That's all the endorsement a Paperback Fanatic needs to snap up such a treasure at the Library Sale !

And the novel by Frisco Hitt (I can't tell if its a pseudonym or a genuine name) looks like a fun entry in the 'Savage Tales of Africa' genre pioneered by such novels as 'The Dark of the Sun' and 'The Dogs of War'. 
All in all, a nice collection, for only a couple of bucks apiece. Always worthwhile to patronize the local library book sale !

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