Saturday, April 9, 2022

The Curt Wysocki bucket hat

The Curt Wysocki Bucket Hat
I certainly don't consider myself a fashion-forward individual, but I've decided that for Summer of '22 I'm going to sport a white bucket hat, just like my hero, Mr. Curt Wysocki.
Curt Wysocki is my favorite character in one of my favorite sci-fi comics of the early 1990s, Car Warriors

Issued by Marvel under its 'Epic' imprint, the four issue series was based on 'Car Wars', a role-playing game released by Steve Jackson Games in 1980.
The Wysockis are among the participants in the death race known as the DeLorean Run. They are an all-American family, with son Junior, daughter Sissy, Mom Agnes, and Dad Curt. 
They see the Run as the most binkin' vacation ever..........and the Wysockis never run from a fight ! They know 'the family that slays together, stays together !' 
Throughout Car Warriors Curt Wysocki sports a white bucket hat, and determined to emulate my hero, I went and got myself a white bucket hat from amazon for under ten bucks. It fits OK, looks good, and will serve me well in the upcoming warm-weather months. It's the perfect accessory for the middle-aged man who is coping with the travails of life - and bratty kids, in particular - as best he can.

Stylin' !

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