Thursday, July 7, 2022


Doris Norton
I don't think Lou Stathis, the hipster 'rok' music critic for Heavy Metal magazine in the early 1980s, ever was so hip as to reference Doris Norton when it came to New Wave sounds. And so, Stathis perhaps was not quite as hip as he imagined himself to be. 

Let's face it, when it came to being hip, Doris Norton made Fad Gadget look like a mainstream act. Although, truth be told, there were times when Stathis was somewhat underwhelmed by Fad Gadget.....
In the early 1980s, Italian musician Norton began recording music made with synthesizers and, later, Apple computers, and nowadays is considered one of the pioneers in the genre of techno. 
if you want to make the New Wave hipster scene, then Norton's 1983 album, Nortoncomputerforpeace, can be listened to in its entirety here. Its cover is a great example of New Wave imagery.

Norton's Facebook page hasn't been updated in a couple years, but it contains information and links to more of her musical adventures.

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