Thursday, September 15, 2022

Two articles on Baby Boomer Favorites

Two articles on Baby Boomer Favorites
Two articles about subjects that should appeal to Baby Boomers:

'Solving stories with boy detectives', posted by Colin Fleming to The Smart Set online journal , is an affectionate look at the 'Three Investigators' series of Young Adult novels

Fleming offers some revelations; for example, I for one didn't know that Mary Virginia Carey began writing entries in the series in 1971. I knew that Robert Arthur wrote some of the 43 entries in the series, but Carey was a major factor in imbuing the books with a more supernatural atmosphere. Fleming notes that the Three Investigators books are quite sophisticated for literature aimed at a 'tweener' audience, and superior to much of the 'MFA-machined fiction drivel' now being printed.

And, over at 'Attack of the Fifty Year-Old Comic Books, Alan Stewart goes back in time 50 years to the inaugural first two issues of Jack Kirby's comic book 'The Demon'. Lots of scans of panels and pages, with accompanying commentary, that remind me how effective Kirby was as an illustrator.

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