Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Karl Edward Wagner's 'Sticks' audio drama

Karl Edward Wagner's 'Sticks' audio drama (?!)
Well, this is weird..........kind of an exemplar of how the internet can lead you down the rabbit hole.

I was idly putzing through Discogs, looking for affordable LPs that feature cover artwork by the rather obscure New York City psychedelic artist Brad Johannsen (of 'Occupied Spaces' fame).

I discovered a CD that had been made in 1998, with cover art by Johannsen (who apparently died in 2011).

The CD is an 'audio drama' of the classic, 1974 Karl Edward Wagner short story 'Sticks' ?!

Wagner died in October of 1994, so he plainly would not have been in a position to lend official approval or endorsement (?) of this effort, which apparently was helmed by a musician and DJ named Tom Lopez (aka 'Meatball' Fulton), who composed the other, non-Sticks tracks on the CD. 

According to his Wikipedia entry, Lopez, born in 1935, is head of the ZBS ('Zero Bull Shit') Foundation, and in the past, interacted with various counterculture luminaries such as Abbie Hoffman, Yoko Ono, and Captain Beefheart. There are a plentiful array of Lopez's audio dramas available at amazon, under the name Meatball Fulton.

amazon has a copy of the 'Sticks' CD available, but the asking price is $103, which is way out of my budget. The CD isn't uploaded to YouTube so I don't know how good it is. Maybe someone in possession of a copy will Comment about it...............?!

1 comment:

  1. The ZBS Foundation website (founded by Tom Lopez aka 'Meatball' Fulton) has an mp3 download of that CD for $12.


    I don't think ZBS has released any new material in years, so I can't guarantee the state of their order fulfillment these days.
