Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Essential Warlock
Marvel Essentials, 2012

'Essential Warlock' (576 pp.), published by Marvel in August, 2012, is a black and white compilation of the character's comic book appearances throughout the 1970s.

Warlock first appeared as a character called ‘Him’ in Fantastic Four, issues 66 – 67 (1967), and then two years later in The Mighty Thor, issues 165 – 166.

In April, 1972, Warlock appeared as a lead character in his own right, in the first issue of Marvel Premiere, Stan Lee's designated book for launching new characters.

Illustrated by Gil Kane, with scripting by Roy Thomas, Warlock was a conventional superhero whose adventures took place on 'Counter-Earth', a planet which orbited the Sun exactly opposite the Earth proper.

Counter-Earth was devoid of superheroes, save for Warlock, a plot device which gave the series’ writers some degree of scripting freedom not available in other Marvel titles.

The character drew enough reader response to result in the appearance of a dedicated series, The Power of Warlock, eight issues of which ran from August 1972 to October 1973. As well, some issues of The Incredible Hulk, from June through August 1974, took place on Counter-Earth, and involved the Warlock character.

Most of the plots for the character depicted him as an overwrought, tormented, Messianic figure who traveled in the company of bell-bottom jean-wearing teenagers who were fleeing the hypocrisy and negative karma of adult society. This was 1972, after all, and the ‘Generation Gap’ was well in place as a pop culture phenomenon.

I remember in 1972 / 1973 picking up some of these early issues of Marvel Premiere / Power of Warlock and finding them interesting, but not earth-shattering.

The last issue of Power of Warlock showed our hero departing Counter-Earth, consoling his distraught followers with a segment of Christ-like oratory. 

In February, 1975, the character was rebooted in Strange Tales No. 178, written and illustrated by Marvel’s signal new talent, Jim Starlin, who had been doing the scripts and art work on Captain Marvel.

Reader response again catalyzed a decision to produce a separate title, and Warlock No. 9 debuted in October 1975 (somewhat confusingly, it continuing the numbering system of the discontinued Power of Warlock) and ran for seven issues.

Starlin made Warlock into a ‘paranoid schizophrenic’ space traveler, beset with self-doubt and emotional angst, an approach which (perhaps deliberately) often verged on parody. 

The ‘cosmic’ scope of these adventures involved characters from Starlin’s work on Captain Marvel, including Thanos.

Starlin’s contributions to Warlock, however short-lived, remain among the best graphic work ever done in comic books. 

Starlin adopted some of the artistic stylings used in the better – quality underground comic books, such as intricate op-art background patterns, complicated shadings, and minutely detailed cross-hatchings. All of these devices were used in the underground books to make the most of the visual possibilities inherent in being printed in graytone / black and white, as opposed to relying on color.

Starlin also regularly split pages into multiple vertical panels, each crammed with detail, pieces of art that must have taken days to complete. He frequently used black and white shadowing to lend extra drama to panels, an approach widely employed by artists for the Warren magazines and underground comix, but comparatively rare and under-utilized in contemporary Marvel and DC products. 

[In a rather sly aside to the influence of the underground comix, Starlin inserts a sidekick for Warlock: a randy, scheming troll named 'Pip', who could well be The Checkered Demon's younger brother.]

Printed in this Marvel 'Essentials' volume in black and white, the detail of Starlin’s penciling is no longer obscured by the low-budget color printing processes used in comic books in the 70s. The episodes in which Starlin pays homage to the artwork of Steve Ditko, in particular, really shine.

The volume closes with some of the guest appearances of Warlock, Thanos, and Captain Marvel in titles such as Marvel Team – Up and Marvel Two-In One Annual, from the mid- to late- 70s.

The verdict ?

Even though his Warlock contributions occupy only the second half of this particular volume, fans of Jim Starlin’s work in the 70s, as well as those who appreciate great graphic art, will want to get their copy of Essential Warlock

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Book Review: Redworld

Book Review: 'Redworld' by Charles L. Harness

  3 / 5 Stars

‘Redworld’ (229 pp.) is DAW Book No. 670; it was published in April, 1986, and features cover artwork by Angus McKie.

On the planet Redworld, the atmosphere and the astronomy combine to give only two primary colors: red, and black. Everything is a shade of those two colors. The humanoid residents of Redworld have two lungs and six fingers, and use a 12-digit-based system of numbering and calculation.

Following a destructive war generations ago, there is a strained truce in place between the two coalitions ruling Redworld: the Scientists and the Clergy. As a consequence of the truce, scientific inquiry is stymied, and horsepower is the primary mode of energy.

Pol Randal is a young man from a formerly well-off family; now, he and his mother scratch out a living in a tiny, two-room apartment above a stable, in the main city of Damaskis. When Pol secures a job at a paper mill on Vys Street, it’s cause for rejoicing.

En route to his first day of work, Pol espies a stunning young woman standing on the steps of a brothel known as the Tower. She soon becomes a fixture of his dreams and fantasies, and he learns that her name is Josi.

The more Pol discovers about Josi, the more mysterious and alluring she becomes. For Josi lives in an apartment adjacent to the Tower, a structure made of metal unlike any in Damaskis. She seems to be thirty years old, even though her former paramours state she was that age when the old wars between scientist and cleric raged in the city streets decades ago. And Josi wears gloves all the time, gloves that have what seems to be a false sixth finger embedded in the fabric.

In due course, Pol’s fascination with Josi becomes a genuine romantic affair. And this romance has its dangers, for Josi and the Tower are a thorn in the side of Dean Gard, leader of the faction of the clerics.

By the time Pol learn the truth about Josi’s origins, and why she represents a danger to the established order, it may be too late…..for Dean Gard intends to quash any hopes for a revival of science, and a path to enlightenment. The future of Redworld suddenly rests on the intertwined fates of Pol and Josi.

Charles L. Harness (1915 – 2005) wrote a number of well-received sf novels and short stories. He wrote ‘Redworld’ when he was 71. Perhaps as a consequence, the novel is more of a coming-of-age story, and a nostalgic, perhaps self-referential look at Young Love, than a sf novel per se.

The intrigue between the vying factions of Redworld society serves as a backdrop for the progression of Pol’s dalliances with the luminous Josi, starting from adoration from afar, to love scenes with something of a softcore porn content. 

The action / adventure elements of the novel are muted, and in its final chapters, the plot takes a metaphysical turn, and its revelations come encrusted with a bit of artifice.

‘Redworld’ is a well-written novel, but one best reserved for those who are willing to embrace a character-driven narrative, with much content devoted to the emotional interactions of the principal players.

Friday, March 1, 2013

'Heavy Metal' magazine, March 1979

March, 1979, and on the radio, Bobby Caldwell's 'What you won't do for love' is getting substantial airplay. Released in 1978 on the album 'Bobby Caldwell', the song made it to No. 9 on Billboard's Hot 100 in 1979.

In the latest issue of Heavy Metal, Angus McKie provides the front cover, 'S*M*A*S*H', and Robert Morello the back cover, 'Stargazer'.

There are - alas - no stories by stalwarts Caza, Nicollet, Kirchner, and Suydam, leaving the reader to make do with ongoing installments of 'Sinbad', 'So Beautiful and So Dangerous', 'Starcrown', and 'Exterminator 17'.

There's an illustrated short story from Harlan Ellison titled 'Flopsweat', and a lengthy excerpt of the forthcoming illustrated novel 'Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination' by Preiss and Chaykin.

The advertising is as quirky as ever.....indie comic publisher Star Reach offers its sf and fantasy books:

While 'Club Collection' rolling papers, and the Diddle Art company (marketing a 'Diddle It' poster) offer products of special interest to the stoners making up much of the HM readership.....

There are some good, shorter b & w pieces in the March issue, such as the pen-and-ink strip, 'A Mass for the Dead' by Pertuze, which evokes the penmanship of 19th-century illustrative art:

 Chantal Montellier provides another subtle, but effective, episode of '1996' :


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Book Review: 'Animal' by K'Wan
celebrating Black History Month 2013

4 / 5 Stars

Here at the PorPor Books Blog, we celebrate Black History Month by reading a book, fiction or nonfiction, about the Black Experience.

For Black History Month 2013, the book so selected is the novel 'Animal', by K'Wan (Foye).

'Animal' is a trade paperback released in October 2012 by publisher Cash Money Content / Cash Money Books.

K'Wan Foye has become one of the best-selling authors of 'urban' or 'street' literature, an emerging genre aimed at a black readership, but, like rap music, also eliciting crossover appeal with white readers as well.

'Animal' is the sequel to K'Wan's novel 'Eviction Notice', and in turn, the sixth book in the 'Hood Rat' series, which is set in New York City and features a recurring cast of characters.

Accordingly, the newcomer may be rather bewildered at the various subplots and myriad personalities occupying the narrative. 

Indeed, Animal (the street name of Foye's character Tayshawn) is only sporadically present in most of the narrative. But he does have a set of custom, chrome-plated Glocks; a 14 kt, solid gold necklace upon which dangles a replica of the Muppet character that is his namesake; and a bulletproof vest that he wears underneath his hoodie.

'Animal' is basically a revenge tale. After learning that his girlfriend Gucci has been shot and is hospitalized in intensive care, Animal seeks bloody retribution on Shai Clark, the Harlem drug dealer responsible for the attempt on Gucci's life.

I won't disclose any spoilers, save to say that 'Animal' is a quick and engaging read, despite its large cast and numerous subplots. K'Wan never tips his hand as to whether Animal's scheme for revenge will come to fruition, or leave him and Gucci in even worse straits.

The book is violent; in its first 20 pages, mutilated corpses make an appearance. These are followed by the graphic account of the death of a snitch; it's clear that Animal isn't the only ghetto star who is willing to use excessive force to get his way. As the narrative rolls on, more bodies pile up.....

K'Wan has 'ghetto' idioms and expressions down pat. His dialogue is realistic, and an accurate reflection of the way young, black urbanites speak to one another:

Dena wiped her hands on her apron and retrieved two Coronas from the cooler. She cracked one for herself and handed the other to Frankie. "Vashaun got her stamps so we was just gonna throw a li'l something -something together, but you know how niggaz is when they smell barbecue", she nodded to the dudes at the table. 'Everybody kicked in a little something so we gonna do it how we do it until all the food is gone."

Readers looking for a novel that faithfully depicts the life of a hustler, on Harlem's mean streets, will want to give 'Animal' a try.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

'Hunter II: Goblin Thrust' from Eerie magazine issue No. 70 (November 1975)

In this, the second installment of the 'Hunter II' franchise, our hero teams up with another series character in Eerie, the robot Exterminator-1.

As always, outstanding artwork by Paul Neary.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

'The Ark' by Caza
from the February, 1983 issue of Heavy Metal

Another impressive comic from Caza, featuring some amazing colors and skilled draftsmanship that pays homage to H. R. Giger. 

And kudos to Heavy Metal for publishing this artwork on slick paper, with color separations and reproductions that look outstanding despite the fact that in February, 1983, modern computer graphics for magazine publishing really didn't exist.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Book Review: The Enemy of My Enemy

Book Review: 'The Enemy of My Enemy' by Avram Davidson
2 / 5 Stars

'The Enemy of My Enemy’(160 pp) was published in December 1966 by Berkley Medallion; the cover artwork is by Richard Powers.

On the planet Orinel, in the overpopulated, stinking, polluted land called Pemath, Jerrod Northi enjoys a successful career as a pirate and thief. However, as the novel opens, Northi finds himself the target of an assassination attempt by persons unknown.

Northi decides to flee Pemath. His preferred destination is Tarnis, a country located elsewhere on Orinel. 

Idyllic and uncrowded, Tarnis is where everyone on Orinel would prefer to live. But the Tarnisi are very particular about who comes into their country, and for how long they are allowed to stay.

For Jerrod Northi, permanent residency in Tarnis can only come about through an exceedingly expensive transformation, courtesy of plastic surgery. The end result will give him the Seven Signs that identify one as a legitimate member of the Tarnisi race: green eyes, long fingers, long ears, hairless bodies, full mouths, slender feet, and melodious voices.

In due course Jerrod Northi finds himself transformed, renamed, given a plausible backstory, and a permanent resident in the promised land of Tarnis. There he settles into a life of ease and repose as a member of the aristocracy.

But as Northi becomes more aware of the internal politics of his adopted home, he also comes to a dismayed awareness that all might not be right with Tarnis….or its people….

When viewed as an SF novel originating in the mid-60s, just before the advent of the New Wave Movement, ‘Enemy’ is not particularly bad, but neither is it particularly memorable.

With ‘Enemy’, Davidson’s prose skills certainly are superior to those of Blish, Asimov, and Clarke, who tended to dominate the sf publishing arena of that time.

However, Davidson was not as accomplished in his plotting as those authors. ‘Enemy’ suffers from too-slow pacing, and its emphasis on wordplay quickly grows tiring. At its halfway point the novel does gain some energy through incidents of violence and brutality communicated in a surprisingly explicit manner for an sf novel of its time.

Unfortunately, however, the momentum from this device is soon dissipated, and the plot settles back into its rut. I have observed this to be a major weakness in other of Davidson’s lengthier works ('The Kar-Chee Reign' and 'Rogue Dragon' come to mind).

While hardcore Davidson fans may find ‘Enemy’ worthwhile, I suspect all others probably will find it rather dull; these I direct to Davidson’s short story collections, which are more rewarding.