Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Soldier of Fortune: A Bump in the Road

Soldier of Fortune
'A Bump in the Road'
by Alfredo Grassi (story) and Enrique Breccia (art)
from Merchants of Death No. 4, November 1988
Eclipse Comics

This was the fourth and final issue of Eclipse Comics' exploration of a magazine-sized format for comics; sadly, Merchants of Death just wasn't getting sufficient readership to justify continuation.

Somehow the 'Soldier of Fortune' byline is missing from this installment of the series, and our 'gringo' hero had somehow regained his missing eye.......... and done away with his distinctive eyepatch. But he's still having to deal with treacherous bandidos...............that's life in the wilds of Bolivia in the early 20th century..........

Monday, September 17, 2018

The Bee Gees, Manchester, 1981

The Bee Gees
Manchester, 1981

L to R: Barry, Robin, and Maurice

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Judge Dredd: The Beast in 24B

Judge Dredd
in 'The Beast in 24B'
from 2000AD Annual 1984
August 1983

Yet another laugh-out-loud take on modern life from the talented Brits at 2000 AD comics............

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Book Review: Taurus Four

Book Review: 'Taurus Four' by Rena Vale

3 / 5 Stars

‘Taurus Four’ (156 pp) was published in January 1970 by the Paperback Library. The cover art likely is by Robert Foster.

Rena Vale (1898 – 1983) published two sci-fi novels for the Paperback Library in 1970, her other novel being ‘The Day After Doomsday’.

‘Taurus’ is set in the year 2270 AD. Dorian Frank, a sociologist by training, has been assigned to do a simple reconnoiter of the eponymous planet when his scout ship crash-lands on the surface, leaving him stranded for several months before an interstellar cruiser can return to pick him up.

Corpulent, fussy, and devoid of much in the way of self-confidence (a consequence of being reared on a regimented Earth dominated by females) Frank is forced to fend for himself in the dangerous terrain of Taurus Four. When he stumbles upon a tribe of hippies eking out an existence in a forested area of the planet, Frank is dumfounded: there aren’t any records of humans living on Taurus Four.

The hippies are led by a Charles Manson-like ‘chief’ named Pete, who – when not chewing stalks of marijuana – enforces his rule by demanding human sacrifices in order to appease a 'God' who dwells in a nearby geological formation.

When Teeda, the beautiful Hippy Chick who dwells in enforced isolation from the tribe, takes a liking to Dorian, complications ensue……because Pete has designs for Teeda, and he won’t hesitate to have Dorian Frank slaughtered if the stranded Earthman steps out of line……………

‘Taurus Four’ clearly uses the Hippy movement, which was of course in full swing at the time of the novel’s publication, as its inspiration. While superficially a standard ‘Stranded Earthman’ adventure tale, the book aims at satirical humor: the hippies are in danger of extinction due to their self-absorbed, ignorant lifestyle, but at the same time, they enjoy a sort of hedonistic freedom that Dorian Frank, as a member of the ‘establishment’, comes to appreciate.

The narrative moves along at a quick pace, aided by author Vale’s use of carefully calculated episodes of surprisingly nasty violence that give ‘Taurus Four’ an edge I was not expecting.

Summing up, while I can’t label ‘Taurus Four’ as a touchstone work of early 70s sci-fi, it certainly has aged better than many of the more heralded novels of its era. If you happen to see it on the shelves of your used bookstore, it is worth picking up.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Night Eyes from Creepy No. 102

Night Eyes
Story by Bruce Jones
Art by Alfredo Alcala
from Creepy No. 102, October 1978

On the stands in September, 1978, this issue of Creepy features an effective cover illustration by the UK artist Patrick Woodroffe.

Inside is a story by Bruce Jones, with - as always - outstanding artwork by Alfredo Alcala: 'Night Eyes'.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Book Review: Arcane

Book Review: 'Arcane' by Carl Sherrell
3 / 5 Stars

'Arcane' (320 pp) was published by Jove Books in August 1978. The cover art is by Boris Vallejo.

Carl Sherrell (1929 -1990) published several novels in the horror, fantasy, and sci-fi genres in the 70s and 80s.

In his Preface, the author states that he used the Tarot deck as the inspiration for this novel; each of its 22 chapters is inspired by a card randomly drawn from the deck. Accordingly, the book's opening chapter is titled The Fool, with succeeding chapters titled The High Priestess, The Magicians, The Tower, The Moon, etc. 

'Arcane' takes place in a bucolic, if generic, fantasy landscape where a tribe of people live simple, but rewarding, lives under their cantankerous leader, an elderly man named Niko. When Niko encounters a young man - the Fool of the chapter's title - coming down the trail from the mysterious heights of the Mountains, initially he is dismissive of this seeming simpleton.

However, the young man, whose name is Abeth, soon shows himself to be no simpleton, but a man gifted with a strong intellect, a man armed with powerful magic, including the ability to read minds and communicate telepathically. As Niko looks on in dismay, he is gradually ousted as the leader of Arcane, as Abeth's activities transform the land and its people into the residents of a powerful empire, one that uses new technologies and new ways of thinking to expand its territories at the expense of the neighboring tribes of wild men.

Even as Abeth's rule brings prosperity and power to Arcane, a disgruntled Niko schemes for ways to subvert Abeth's rule. The stage is set for a contest of wills to determine the future of the land and its people...........

I finished 'Arcane' with mixed emotions. The idea of having a random draw of the Tarot deck dictate the content of each chapter certainly is a novel one, and the lack of an overarching storyline means that the narrative is avoids being overly predictable.

At the same time, the author uses a prose style that is more in keeping with a hard-boiled detective novel than a fantasy novel. Sherrell keeps his prose spare and concise, and eschews completely the trappings of the 'standard' fantasy novel: there are no italicized words representing an Elvish Vocabulary, no glossary, no polysyllabic names for places, people, and things, no dwarves, no Dark Lords, no Towers of Doom, no goblins, orcs, or demons. (A dragon does make a brief appearance.)

However, the lack of an overarching plot means that at its midpoint the novel starts to lose momentum; the vagaries of each new chapter made it hard to feel all that invested in the setting and its characters. The book also suffers from closing chapters that seem unconvincing in terms of disclosing any Big Revelations about Abeth and his designs for Arcane.

The verdict ? 'Arcane' deserves some merit for author Sherrell's decision to let the Tarot govern his narrative. However, that decision also prevents the novel from being more than a straightforward tale of the rise and fall of a civilization. If you are someone with a strong yearning to read all of the fantasy novels of the late 70s then picking up 'Arcane' is justified, but all others likely can pass on this novel. 

Monday, September 3, 2018

Prison Ship by Esteban Maroto

Prison Ship
by Esteban Maroto (art) and Bruce Jones (story)
IDW, April 2018

Issue 24 of the Warren magazine 1994, with an April 1982 cover date, debuted a new series written by Bruce Jones and illustrated by Esteban Maroto, titled 'Diana Jacklighter, Manhuntress !' 

The plot was relatively simple: Diana (renamed Faye in the graphic novel) is an intergalactic bounty hunter, who has all manner of adventures on alien worlds as she sets forth to capture the escapees from the titular prison ship.

The series would go on for another four issues.

The story's cheesy title and concept were in keeping with the effort by 1994 editor Bill Dubay to lure the same readership of Heavy Metal magazine. The emphasis with 'Diana Jacklighter' was on fun, and T & A, rather than deep explorations of Weighty Themes. Needless to say, artist Maroto was quite capable of catering to the HM crowd with his choice depictions of Diana wearing little, if any, clothing:

As part of its efforts to compile classic comics from Esteban Maroto, publisher IDW has packaged the 1994 strips under the less..... exploitative...... title of Prison Ship. Like the other volume in this series, Lovecraft: The Myth of Cthulhu, this is a hardback graphic novel printed on a high grade of paper. 

It's unclear if the contents are scanned from the original artwork - in his Introduction to Prison Ship, Maroto states that many of the original art pages he sent to Warren 'disappeared under mysterious circumstances'. But the reproductions of scanned pages (if that's what they are) come across reasonably well here.

Maroto's artwork for 'Diana Jackson' / Prison Ship show him in top form. For all of its cheesy nature, I find it superior to many of the sci-fi comics (like the grossly overpraised Saga, as well as Black Science, Descender, and ODY-C) found nowadays on the store shelves. 

I've posted a scan of the initial episodes below. Whether you're a fan of Maroto's art, or the sci-fi comics of the early 80s, getting a copy of the book from your usual online vendors is recommended.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Book Review: The Teachings of Don Juan

Book Review: 'The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge' by Carlos Castaneda
4 / 5 Stars

'The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge' first was published by the University of California Press in 1968, after which it became a countercultural touchstone; having 'read Castaneda' became a mark of true hipness.

In 1974 Pocket Books released this mass market paperback edition (256 pp), which immediately became a best-seller. Succeeding volumes dominated the bestseller lists throughout the remainder of the 70s and on into the early 80s. 

It's hard to overstate how influential the 'Teachings' became on American, and worldwide, pop culture. The photography session the Eagles took for their first album cover is derived from Castaneda. Castaneda was gently satirized in the pages of 'The Furry Freak Brothers' underground comic. And the 1981 film Altered States had a Castaneda-inspired segment where the protagonist, played by William Hurt, participates in a peyote ceremony and acquires Cosmic Awareness.

The Eagles at Joshua Tree National Park for their first album photography session, 1972

The cover for the paperback version was the same as that for the hardcover version issued in 1972 by Simon and Schuster; the artist was Roger Hane (who also did the cover for the second volume in the Don Juan series, A Separate Reality).

Original cover art by Roger Hane

I remember reading 'Teachings' in early 1981, when I was in college, and finishing the book with an immediate desire to head to the Sonoran desert to locate Don Juan, take peyote and mushrooms under his tutelage, and become A Man of Knowledge. So many other people who read the book had the same idea, that a crisis of peyote over-harvesting has emerged.

By the time I had finished all four of the books in the initial Don Juan series I had begun to doubt their truthfulness. At the time there was no internet and no Google, and so getting information on the entire Castaneda phenomenon was not easy. Nowadays such information can be easily accessed and the fact that everything that Castaneda wrote was fake is now common knowledge.

(For a particularly uncomplimentary look at the 'real' Castaneda, readers are directed to this excerpt from John Gilmore's Laid Bare).

I recently re-read 'Teachings' and despite my awareness that is fictitious, I found the book to still be many ways I wanted to believe it was true. Which, I suppose, is as good a measuring method for any work of fantasy fiction as any other criterion.

For those who are unfamiliar with the whole 'Don Juan' library, Castaneda claimed that from 1960 to 1965 he regularly visited the Sonoran desert to commune with a Yaqui Indian medicine man or 'brujo' named Don Juan Matus. Matus agreed to teach Castaneda to become 'A Man of Knowledge', albeit with warnings and admonitions that such a path is arduous, even fatal.

Meeting the shaman: lobby card for Altered States (1981) 

Castaneda's first person narrative relates how he learns to ingest psychedelic substances extracted from Jimson weed, mushrooms, and peyote; under the influence of these substances, he experiences visions of otherworldly entities that bring with them profound insights into the existence of 'A Separate Reality' underlying our own.

I won't divulge any spoilers, save to say that the while 'The Teachings of Don Juan' ends on a note that suggests it may originally have been intended to be a one-volume book, its commercial and critical success led Castaneda to issue a number of sequels.

Whatever his faults, and however all-encompassing they might have been, Castaneda was a skilled writer, and he knew how to keep his readers engaged. There is little fluff or padding in the 'Teachings'; the chapters are short and to the point; the conversations have an air of authenticity; and Don Juan Matus is one of the most fully realized characters in fiction or nonfiction.

If you haven't yet read 'The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge', then I recommend doing so. The paperback edition is so ubiquitous in used bookstores that finding an affordable copy isn't much of a problem. And when you're done reading it you can draw your own conclusions about whether it contains a grain of truth........... or not.