Wednesday, February 24, 2021

R.U.B. Uno by Parissi

R.U.B. Uno
by Andrea Parissi
from Zona 84 No. 77, 1990

You never know what might happen when you're scrounging for rats in the sewers.........

Monday, February 22, 2021

Robo-Hunter and Cutie

 Robo-Hunter and Cutie

I'm always impressed by the inclusion of the small notes of sly humor in the strips published in 2000 AD from the late 70s and early 80s. 

Take 'Robo-Hunter', which initially appeared in 2000 AD from August 1978 to May 1979, written by John Wagner and illustrated by Ian Gibson. 

Sam Slade's 'robo-meter' Cutie, which hung from his belt and dispensed advice, was modeled on the cheapest models of plastic, inflatable 'sex dolls' of that era. 

Toss in the panels where Sam applies a trace of robot metal to Cutie for analysis, and the context is hilariously subversive......

Friday, February 19, 2021

The Illustrated Roger Zelazny Trade paperback edition

The Illustrated Roger Zelazny
Trade paperback edition
illustrations by Gray Morrow, edited by Byron Preiss
Baronet Publishing, February 1978

I recently looked up the pricing for the February, 1978 trade paperback edition of The Illustrated Roger Zelazny and it's possible 
still to find copies in good condition for around $20 or less (although the bookjackers at amazon have it listed for exorbitant prices).
My 2011 review of the mass market paperback edition, available here, gives an overview of the contents of the book. I gave the mass market edition a score of 2 of 5 stars because the small sizing of the mass market format simply didn't allow for adequate presentation of the material. 

With this present posting, I hope to provide a better overview of how much better the content looks in the trade paperback edition, with its dimensions of 8 1/2 x 11 inches.

I previously posted the entirety of the 'Jack of Shadows' comic, 'Shadowjack', which is the best of the pieces featured in The Illustrated Roger Zelazny. Shadowjack Part One is here and Part Two is here.

After the passage of 43 (!) years, it's still impressive to see how Byron Preiss (1953 - 2005) enabled his artistic vision for illustrated books with this Zelazny title, at a time when the term 'graphic novel' didn't really exist and the entire concept was a novelty.

Gray Morrow's artwork remains impressive, all the more so when you remember that in 1978, there was no such thing as Photoshop, scanners, or software for layout and composition. The original artwork was pasted onto the page alongside the text sections and photographed to make the negatives used at the printer.

With the exception of 'Shadowjack', I don't believe the stories presented in The Illustrated Roger Zelazny are going to appeal to those who are not New Wave sci-fi fans. 

'A Rose for Ecclesiastes', about a self-absorbed poet who finds fulfillment in discussing Art with a dying race of Martians, may have been innovative when it first appeared in 1963, but nowadays might not gather Likes from anyone other than Zelazny fans. Similarly, I can't see 'The Furies' (1965) and 'The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth' (1965) appealing to audiences outside of those elderly persons who remember the New Wave era.

Summing up, acquiring a copy of The Illustrated Roger Zelazny trade paperback is best recommended for those driven by nostalgia for the New Wave era, and the introduction of new formats for illustrated books, comics, and magazines that came with the 1970s.
Roger Zelazny at the 1985 Necronomicon convention. From Andre Norton's personal album, loaned by Irene Harrison, FANAC, Inc.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

A Thorgal portfolio

A Thorgal portfolio
by Grzegorz Rosinski
A portfolio of illustrations done in the 1980s and 1990s by the artist Grzegorz Rosinski for the covers of 'Thorgal' bandes dessinees

From the book Artbook Rosinksi: Thorgal 40 Ans (in French, Le Lombard, December 2017). 

[ Now out of print, those few copies of the Artbook being offered for sale at have an asking price of 751 Euro, or $909. Maybe Image, or Titan, or Fantagraphics, or Dark Horse, will acquire the rights to produce an affordable English language equivalent........]

Friday, February 12, 2021

Book Review: The Second Book of Robert E. Howard

Book Review: 'The Second Book of Robert E. Howard' edited by Glenn Lord
3 / 5 Stars

'The Second Book of Robert E. Howard' (368 pp.) was published in May, 1976 by Zebra / Kensington. Jeffrey Jones provided the cover art and various full-page, ink wash illustrations.

I remember buying this book from Gordon's Cigar store back in May 1976 and dutifully carrying it around with me over the ensuing 44 years. Upon re-reading, it's a decent enough 3 - Star title.

'The Second Book' is a hodgepodge of unpublished and published short stories and poems from Howard's archives. None of these (apparently) have been 'finished' or 'edited' by Glenn Lord or his cronies.

The collection starts off with a letter from Howard to Wilfred B. Talman, in which Howard provides an autobiographical summary of his younger days prior to taking up writing as an occupation.

The story 'Sword Woman' introduces Howard's character Agnes de la Fer, or 'Dark Agnes'. It's a well-written tale of a female Conan at large in what is likely 16th century France. Illustrating the staying power of Howard's creations, Marvel comics actually launched a Dark Agnes comic book in 2020 (which subsequently was cancelled due to the industry-wide disruption caused by the covid-19 epidemic).

There is a short Kull story ('The Striking of the Gong') and an enjoyable boxing tale, 'The Good Knight', which is laugh-out-loud funny. Two weird mystery stories set in the deep South, 'Black Canaan' and 'The House of Suspicion', are effective, but their use of Forbidden Words likely would make any contemporary efforts to re-publish them decidedly..... awkward.

'Kelly the Conjure-Man' represents an attempt at a nonfiction piece that ultimately was rejected by Texaco Star magazine. 'The Footfalls Within' is the now-classic Solomon Kane adventure, while 'Knife River Prodigal' demonstrates Howard's ability to take the humorous approach to characterization and plotting he deployed in his boxing stories, and successfully apply it to a western.

'Two Against Tyre' and 'For the Love of Barbara Allen' are historical adventures, while the concluding story in the collection, 'Guns of Khartum', is of interest mainly as a example of a 'spicy' adventure story that Howard turned to composing in the closing months of his life.

I give high marks to all of the poems that appear in the 'Second Book', although these, with their reliance on rhyming meter and eldritch topics, likely would not be regarded as worthy pieces by those of a Literary bent.

Jones's ink wash drawings are true to the material and of a high quality for a 'budget' publisher like Zebra Books (I would provide scans, but I risk breaking the book's spine).

Summing up, if you're a fan of Robert E. Howard or Jeffrey Jones, then picking up a copy of 'The Second Book of Robert E. Howard' is worth your while.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

S. Clay Wilson R.I.P.

S. Clay Wilson, R.I.P.
July 25, 1941 – February 7, 2021
Steven Clay Wilson died February 7 at the age of 79.

If you are a Baby Boomer, a fan of underground comix, or the counterculture of the 60s and 70s, then you are familiar with Wilson's work. I still have copies of two issues of 'The Checkered Demon' comix, published by Last Gasp, that I picked up in the late 70s at Charms Boutique, my home town's 'head shop'. 

from Belgian Lace from Hell: The Mythology of S. Clay Wilson, Volume 3, by Patrick Rosenkranz, Fantagraphics, 2017

And I remember those outrageous Wilson comics that were reprinted in the legendary High Times Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs (I owned that book in the early 70s, but somehow lost it in the early 80s, something which saddens me to this day).

Wilson was a zeitgeist for the era of the counterculture and comix. His work was grotesque, offensive, blasphemous, and obscene, but also amazingly comic. In any event, you knew what you were getting into when you began reading a Wilson comic. 
from Belgian Lace from Hell: The Mythology of S. Clay Wilson, Volume 3, by Patrick Rosenkranz, Fantagraphics, 2017 

I was fortunate to get an affordable copy of The Checkered Demon Anthology Volume 1 back when it first was published in 2015 by Last Gasp. I'm guessing copies now will be tripling in price, if not going higher.

I imagine that copies of the three-volume series for Fantagraphics, The Mythology of S. Clay Wilson, written by Patrick Rosenkranz, also will see their value skyrocketing, so if you are a Wilson fan, it might be best to get those sooner, rather than later.

A post featuring an interview with S. Clay Wilson, from the March, 1983 issue of Heavy Metal magazine, is available at this link.  The questions posed to Wilson, by Heavy Metal freelancer Brad Balfour, are lame ('Do you think of yourself as normal ?') but the interview nonetheless provides some insights into the artist and his work.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Byron Preiss Preiss Visual Publications

The Strange Case of Byron Preiss Visual Publications
by Paul Williams, Exeter University

Its prose style can be ponderous at times, but there are some interesting observations about comic books, graphic novels, sci-fi, petulant fanboys, and the publishing industry of the 1970s to be found in this 2019 paper in the Journal of American Studies.

A pdf of the paper can be accessed at this link.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Book Review: A Chosen Few

Celebrating Black History Month 2021

Book Review: 'A Chosen Few' by Hari Rhodes
5 / 5 Stars

Neither Blood nor Blue noticed the short, stocky corporal standing by the table next to theirs…..Nor did the two sergeants see the girl come up on the other side of the table and speak to the corporal. They were brought to the sergeants’ attention by the girl yelling “MOTHAFUCKA !!!!”

She whipped a straight razor from her breast and swung viciously at the little corporal. The corporal caught her wrist when it was about six inches from his face, pulled her around to his side of the table, shook the razor out of her hand, then, with a twist of his own wrist, sent her flying back over that table, over two others, sliding across the dance floor, head first into the juke box. She was surprised, shocked, and a little stunned. As she started to rise, an unseen hand brought a beer bottle down on her head with a murderous force. She slumped back against the box, shook her head, and tried to get up again. This time an unidentified shoe, with a foot in it, came up off the floor and caught her just above the mouth, to the right of the nose. This time, she slumped and stayed.                   

Here at the PorPor Books Blog, we celebrate Black History Month by reading a book - fiction or nonfiction - about the black experience. For February 2021, the featured title is 'A Chosen Few' by Hari Rhodes.

Hari Rhodes (1932 – 1992) was born in Cincinnati and grew up in extreme poverty. At age 15 he joined the Marines and served in the Korean War. Rhodes began acting in the 1960s and appeared in television shows, most notably Daktari. In the 1970s he transitioned to feature film roles, the best known of these as ‘MacDonald’ in the 1974 film Conquest of the Planet of the Apes. He continued to appear in television roles during the 1980s. He died of a heart attack in 1992.

‘A Chosen Few’ (248 pp.) was published by Bantam Books in January 1965. Long out of print, existing copies of the novel have exorbitant asking prices; I was fortunate to find a copy for a dollar at a used book sale at a library in upstate New York. I again lucked out, and found the second Bantam Books printing (September, 1969), in a used bookstore for just four dollars.

Original cover illustration by James Bama for the first edition of A Chosen Few. The model is Ray Lagrone, art director for Avon Books. From James Bama: American Realist, Flesk Publications, October 2006

‘Chosen’, which is based on Rhodes’s experiences in the Marine Corps, is set in the Camp Lejeune / Jacksonville area of North Carolina in the late 1940s / early 1950s. As the novel opens, the protagonist, Staff Sergeant Robert ‘Blood’ Burrell, a veteran of the Pacific Theatre in World War Two, is reporting to duty at Montford Point, the all-black training camp first opened in 1942. Although he has little love for the South and its small-town society, Burrell has taken a position as a drill instructor at Montford Point in order to advance his career.

As ‘Chosen’ unfolds Burrell, along with his best friend, Staff Sergeant Russell ‘Blue’ Higgins, strives to make Marines from his platoon of inexperienced recruits. He also finds himself negotiating conflicts with a number of individuals, including a rivalry with Ray Fisher, his jealous assistant drill instructor; Ramsey Reeves, the racist Sheriff of Jacksonville; and Lieutenant Simms, the camp’s resident reprobate. 

But the riskiest interaction for Blue is a burgeoning romance with Sue Pearson, the blue-eyed, blonde daughter of the camp’s commanding officer. In the rural North Carolina of the postwar era, a liaison with a white woman can have disastrous consequences not just for Blood, but for all of the black Marines at Montford Point………

‘A Chosen Few’ is an impressive example of American realism and, for a book written in 1965, offers a surprisingly ‘modern’ examination of race, black life, and military life, during the segregated era of the South. Author Rhodes uses a spare, declarative prose style that imparts enough momentum to the narrative to consistently hold the reader’s interest. And while the novel’s final chapters take their time in terms of setting up a plot resolution, when the denouement of ‘A Chosen Few’ arrives, it does so in a stunning manner.

Summing up, ‘A Chosen Few’ is a novel of black life and the American South that has lapsed into undeserved obscurity. If W.W. Norton ever restarts its 'Old School Books' imprint, or if any white-owned publishing houses currently are looking to demonstrate their Wokeness by paying homage to black authors, then not only should ‘A Chosen Few’ be among the works first in line for publication, but Rhodes’s two unpublished novels, ‘Harambee’ and ‘Land of Odds’, also deserve consideration.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Behind the Scenes of Planet of the Apes

Planet of the Apes: Behind the Scenes
Over at Flashbak, an interesting photoessay on some vintage behind-the-scenes photographs taken in 1967 by Dennis Stock during the filming of the movie Planet of the Apes.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Book Review: The League of Grey-Eyed Women

Book Review: 'The League of Grey-Eyed Women' by Julius Fast

3 / 5 Stars

Julius Fast (April 17, 1919 – December 16, 2008) was the younger brother of well-known writer Howard Fast. During the 40s and 50s he primarily wrote mystery and drama novels, but with the advent of the Sexual Revolution in the late 60s, and the immense popularity of 'The Joy of Sex', he made a shrewd move to capitalize on prurience, and issued a stream of self-help titles on sexuality. These include 'What You Should Know About Human Sexual Response' (1966), 'The New Sexual Fulfillment' (1972), 'Bisexual Living' (1975), 'The Pleasure Book' (1975), 'The Body Language of Sex Power and Aggression' (1977), and 'Sexual Chemistry: What It Is, How to Use It' (1983).

'The League of Grey-Eyed Women' first appeared in the August 1969 issue of Venture Science Fiction Magazine. This Pyramid Books paperback (224 pp.) was published in November 1971; the cover illustration likely was done by Robert Pepper.

'League' is set in New York City in the late 60s. As the novel opens, our protagonist, an advertising executive named Jack Freeman, has learned he is terminally ill with gastric cancer. As a specialist in medical advertising, Freeman decides to research cutting-edge cancer treatments and finds a paper by a scientist named Steiner, whose Montreal laboratory has reported curing cancer in rodents via the administration of DNA.

Freeman invents a pretext to travel to Steiner's lab, only to be told by Steiner that the treatment is too experimental and untried to risk being administered to a human. It seems to the hapless Freeman that all is lost, and the end of his life is near at hand. But then Steiner's laboratory assistant Stephanie Douthright, a cool and composed woman with unusual, grey-colored eyes, agrees to clandestinely give the DNA treatment to Freeman. 

Freeman soon discovers that he may, in fact, be cured of his cancer. But the cure comes with a cost......and the realization that Stephanie Douthright might not have been acting solely with benevolence. For she, and the other grey-eyed women with whom Jack Freeman comes into contact, have an agenda of their own, and it involves him........

'The League of Grey-Eyed Women' is a solid three-star thriller with a sci-fi flavoring. Although author Fasts's prose style can at times be a bit florid (Again and again he forced the soundless screams from his throat, and then he was fighting his way out of sleep, moaning and whimpering as he came awake), in the main, his prose is straightforward and the narrative moves at a satisfactory pace. 

[ There is a bit of an in-joke within the pages of 'League', in that Clifford, Jack Freeman's best friend, is a fictional stand-in for Julius Fast himself. ]

I imagine modern-day readers will find the scientific premise underlying the novel to be a bit contrived, as it was even by the standards of the late 60s, but those willing to overlook that contrivance may find 'League' to be a presentable representation of its time and place (everyone smokes like a chimney, and drinks prolifically). In that regard, those dedicated to collecting late 60s sci-fi will be interested in picking up 'The League of Grey-Eyed Women'.