Friday, December 27, 2019

The Tower King episodes 19 - 24

The Tower King
episodes 19 - 24 (finale)
Alan Hebden (writer)
Jose Ortiz (artist)
Eagle (UK) 1982

These are the final chapters of the series, which ended with Chapter 24, in issue 24, of the new Eagle, September 4, 1982.

episodes 1 - 3 are here.
episodes 4 - 6 are here.
episodes 7 - 9 are here.
episodes 10 - 14 are here.

episodes 15 - 18 are here.


  1. Oh man! Thank you so much for completing the serial! It had already been published here in Spain, but with some pages out of order. Now, thanks to you, I've been able to get it straight. Just one minor comment, in case you'd like to correct a slight mistake: The chapters posted in October 8, are not 15 - 19, but 15 - 18. And the chapters posted now are not 20 - 24, but 19 - 24.
    Thanks again!

  2. Miguel, I have corrected the chapter numbers

    Glad you liked the postings of 'The Tower King' !
