Tuesday, March 22, 2022

1941 by Dave McMacken

 '1941' by Dave McMacken
advertisement in the January 1980 National Lampoon

Dave McMacken (1944 - 2019) was an American artist who had a very successful career in commercial art. He provided album covers for major artists such as the Beach Boys, Frank Zappa, Cat Stevens, Kansas, and AC/DC, and advertisements for films, beverages, and video games. Later in life he ran his own studio, Ratz and Company, in Astoria, Oregon, and did commercial art for local marijuana growers (!).

His advertisement for the 1979 film 1941 also was used for the November, 1979 paperback novelization, authored by Bob Gale, from Ballantine Books.
Sadly, not a lot of McMacken's art is available online. Some of it can be accessed here; a video of him recounting some of his more famous assignments is available here. I for one would welcome a book devoted to his art.

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