Saturday, March 19, 2022

Floating Shelves from Wayfair

Floating Shelves from Wayfair
With the advent of Spring comes the desire for Home Improvement, and while I'm no bonded and licensed contractor, I can do the more minor household fixes and advances. 

For Spring 2022, I wanted to find an affordable way to shelve my paperbacks (most of which are in boxes in my basement) but at the same time, not further clutter my floorspace with traditional standing bookshelves.

I recently visited the website of VICE, that online Mecca for Millenial Hipsters ('The Best Protective Hairstyles for Black Women to have Sex In', 'How to Stock Your Nightstand with Lubes for Every Sexual Occasion', 'What It’s Like to Grow Up With Extremely Strict Parents'). 

There I read an article by Mary Frances Knapp about affordable alternatives to the 'floating' shelves marketed by the celebrated interior design company Vitsœ.

Says Knapp:

Vitsœ (pronounced vit-sue) is an iconic Danish furniture and design company that was founded by the über-chic, often-turtlenecked Niels Vitsœ in 1959. The futuristic brand soared to popularity thanks to its trademark modular bookshelves, which Vitsœ calls “the bookshelf that will outlive you.” (How bold—how Scandi noir!) In the words of one reviewer, “They are the utility equivalent of the kind of wine you drink on special occasions.” They just look so effortlessly cool with every kind of decor, and seemed perfect for my fantasy of covering an entire wall in books. 

Unfortunately, just as I resolved to smash that order button on my Scandi babies, I realized the price tag: Over $100 per shelf [balloon deflates]. So I did a bit of sneaking and sleuthing—and that’s where Wayfair came in, as it always does, with some promising metal look-alikes.

I thus shelled out $172 for the 'Daizee' 8 Piece Floating Shelf package from Wayfair.

My journey to installation is documented below.

First, each shelf comes with four wallboard anchors, four screws, and - coolest of all - inch-long mini-levels.
If you install the shelf on wallboard, its carrying capacity is 15 lb, while if you attach it to studs, it can hold a max of 25 lb.

The wallboard anchors are metal and go into the wallboard without too much trouble.

The mini-levels make it surprisingly easy to adjust the shelves to be nice and level. 
I very much recommend using an 8-inch Phillips head screwdriver, because you're going to be placing screws right next to the interior side of the shelf - there is little room for maneuver.
It took me about 90 minutes total, over two days, leisurely to install all 8 shelves.
The photo below gives an idea of how many paperbacks one shelf can accommodate.
The verdict ? In terms of cost-effectiveness, the floating shelves are more expensive, and less commodious, than traditional bookshelves. Indeed, you can buy a Sauder brand five-shelf standing bookcase for $150, for example. However, the floating shelves don't take up floor space, and I agree with VICE's Mary Frances Knapp that they definitely add a note of stylishness and hipness to your interiors..............

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