Deathblow and Wolverine
Part One
Image / Marvel, September 1996
The ex-mercenary and soldier of fortune Deathblow (aka Michael Cray) was an Image character who first appeared in 1993, and later went on to star as a member of the Image series Team 7. In 1996, he teamed up with Wolverine for this two-issue crossover.
Aron Wiesenfeld started illustrating comics in 1993, including a stint on Team 7, followed by work on additional Image titles, as well as covers for DC. In 2004 he left comic book illustration altogether to focus on studio art, with an emphasis on Emo Girls.
His work on Deathblow and Wolverine is some of the best seen in a comic book from the 1990s. It takes the ligne claire ('clear line') style of Franco-Belgian comics (bande dessinée), and a muted color scheme, and applies it to American superhero comics in an impressive way. The plot calls to mind the 1986 John Carpenter film Big Trouble in Little China.
Below is issue one in its entirety, as 300 dpi scans; issue two will be in the next post.
]The non-matching color scheme of the opening two-page spread is an artifact caused by having one page printed on the inside cover's glossy paper, and the second page being printed on conventional interior paper.]
Philippe ‘Caza’ Cazaumayou
5 hours ago