'Zora and the Hibernauts' by Fernando Fernandez
Catalan Communications, 1984
Fernando Fernandez (1940 – 2010) was a Spanish artist who, starting at age 16, provided artwork for British comic book publishers in the 1950s and 1960s. In the 70s he was among the talented Spanish artists recruited by Warren to illustrate Vampirella.
From 1980 to 1982, he and writer Nicola Cuti produced the comic ‘Zora y los Hibernautas’ (’Zora and the Hibernauts’) for the Spanish magazine 1984.
Throughout 1982 and 1983, an English-language translation of ‘Zora’ was serialized in Heavy Metal magazine in the US.
‘Zora’, featuring copious female nudity (Zora and her fellow female astronauts all prefer to wear g-strings, and not much else), softcore porn, great artwork, and sf themes, was a ‘natural’ for the HM readership.
In 1984 an English-language graphic novel of ‘Zora’ was published by Catalan Communications. Nowadays, those rare used copies of the ‘Zora’ graphic novel that come up for sale at eBay go for high prices.
Fortunately, the entire contents (as zipped .rar files) of the English language version of ‘Zora and the Hibernauts’ can be found at several file-sharing sites online, but beware of viruses and trojans - have Malwarebytes and Avira at hand.
After obtaining the zipped file, I recommend using the freeware app ComicRack to view the contents: download and install ComicRack, then right-click on the zipped file icon and select Open With → ComicRack; after a minute, ComicRack should open, with the cover page displayed.
1973 Ace Lem
4 hours ago