'Heavy Metal' magazine January 1985
January, 1985, and on MTV, you can watch the latest video from Hall and Oates: Method of Modern Love'. Like so many of their videos, it's super-cheesy, but at the same time, a great rock song.
In the latest issue of Heavy Metal magazine, which features a front cover by Liberatore, there is not much worth noting in the 'Dossier' section, save for the book review page, titled 'Cystal Balls', which critiques two great 80s sf novels.
Mike McQuay's Jitterbug (my review here) is hailed as "...a scream - very hip, and deadly on-target about office politics and geopolitical behavior."
Sadly, the reviewer has much less praise for Harry Harrison's West of Eden, calling it a "hatchet-job", and "......Dino the Dinosaur Battles Tarzan the Apeman for the Fate of the Earth, a 481-page hardbacked sleeping pill...."
As far as the comics go, this issue of HM has new installments of "The Walls Of Samaris" by François Schuiten, "Tex Arcana" by John Findley, "The Hunting Party" by Pierre Christin and Enki Bilal, plus new material such as "Trance-End" by Lindahn and Lindahn, "Marlowskitz: Detective: Rock" by Riccardo Buroni and Ugo Bertotti, and the opening segment of a new El Borbah story, "El Borbah: Bone Voyage", by Charles Burns. All in all, a decent issue.
Here is that opening installment of 'El Borbah: Bone Voyage':
1973 Ace Lem
5 hours ago