illustration for the novel by William Hope Hodgson

New English Library paperback edition (1996)
Reader MPorcius recommends checking out a gallery of Hodgson - related artwork by artist Stephen Fabian.
SO....what's a PorPor Book ? 'PorPor' is a derogatory term my brother used, to refer to the SF and Fantasy paperbacks and comic books I eagerly read from the late 60s to the late 80s. This blog is devoted to those paperbacks and comics you can find on the shelves of second-hand bookstores...from the New Wave era and 'Dangerous Visions', to the advent of the cyberpunks and 'Neuromancer'.
Have you seen Stephen Fabian's illustrations to Hodgson's The Night Land? I'm not sure if they fit into your blog's '68-'88 time frame, but they are terrific, and SF fans should definitely check them out here:
MPorcius: do you want to be a contributor to the PorPor Books blog (?!)
Traffic is not super-heavy, but it has been growing over the past six months, and having another source of content would help increase the frequency of posts and subsequent visits.
I can provide you with access to the site so you can post when you like and as rarely or frequently as you like (altho I should make you aware that Google Blogger has been having problems formatting Word paste-ins over the past month, so you may have to type directly into the blogger editor dashboard rather than first composing in Word).
think about it, and send me an email and let me know if you're interested,
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