Somewhat belatedly, I discovered that Irving A. Greenfield passed away on April 1, 2020, at age 91. Greenfield was a one-man publishing machine, having authored over 300 novels, as well as plays, short stories, and essays. Greenfield's novels represented many different genera, including sci-fi, crime / thriller, sleaze, western, horror, action / war, and historical.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Irving Greenfield RIP
Somewhat belatedly, I discovered that Irving A. Greenfield passed away on April 1, 2020, at age 91. Greenfield was a one-man publishing machine, having authored over 300 novels, as well as plays, short stories, and essays. Greenfield's novels represented many different genera, including sci-fi, crime / thriller, sleaze, western, horror, action / war, and historical.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Book Review: Pilgrimage
On a far-future Earth, the City is three miles high and forty miles in circumference; its 25 million residents live among its 113 tiers. The City is constantly moving forward by virtue of the fact that now-ancient machinery, operated by the Structor caste, is dismantling the mass of the metropolis’s Tailend and shuttling it forward to the Frontend, where new tiers are being erected to house those displaced from Tailend.
The residents of the City have become so conditioned to generations of life indoors that they are not only physically small, but have no concept of the World outside the confines of their giant metropolis. Simply traveling from one tier to another is a days-long journey using the back-alley stairways and passages festooned throughout the City, unless one can talk their way onto the increasingly frail and over-used elevators……..
But as ‘Pilgrimage’ opens, change is coming to the City. For Brann Adelbran, a teenage boy and Tailend resident, it means that his entire tier will have to make the epochal Pilgrimage to Frontend. However, Bran’s grandmother Ebar has been filling his head with stories about the entirety of the City, its inhabitants, and the World outside. These stories suddenly become something more than idle entertainment when strange tremors shake the City, breaking conduits and passages, sending floors crashing down atop one another, triggering fear and apprehension among the residents of the tier.
Accompanied by his girlfriend Liza and his friend Halsam, Brann decides to forego the Pilgrimage, and sets out on a quest to find the Post Guild, who have free rein to travel throughout the metropolis and are best equipped to understand what is causing the disruption to the City’s structure.
As they trek through the labyrinths of the City, their journey will expose Bran and his companions to strange peoples and places……….and a final revelation about the fate of the structure that all of mankind calls Home………..
‘Pilgrimage’ is a three-star sci-fi adventure novel. It gets its world-building and its characters right, but the middle chapters tend to drag a bit as our heroes wander from one locale to another, expanding their knowledge and awareness with each encounter, but never really coming into sufficient danger to lend much intensity to the narrative.
A chapter that involves some highly mutated City dwellers with telepathic capabilities seems too contrived to be convincing, as does the prominent role played by a ‘magic’ jewel that is inert most of the time, but conveniently flares into action when our heroes find themselves in dire straits.
The verdict ? ‘Pilgrimage’ is another of those DAW novels from the early 80s (and the novels of Edward Llewellyn, such as ‘The Douglas Convolution’ come to mind) that doesn’t transform the sci-fi genre, but fits comfortably within it.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Spain: Street Fighting Men
Fantagraphics Books, November 2017
Friday, August 21, 2020
Impacto Directo
(Direct Impact)
by Paul Kirchner
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Monday, August 17, 2020
Book Review: Cestus Dei
4 / 5 Stars
'Cestus Dei' (283 pp) was published by Tor Books in June 1983. The cover art is by Kevin Eugene Johnson.
This novel first was published, in greatly shortened form, as a hardback book titled 'The Strayed Sheep of Charun', issued by Doubleday / The Science Fiction Book Club in 1977. 'Charon' was John Maddox Roberts's (b. 1947) first published novel. Roberts went on to be a prolific sci-fi and fantasy author during the 80s, 90s, and 2000s, writing novels for the Dragonlance and Conan franchises, as well as for his own 'SPQR', 'Stormlands', 'Cingulum', and 'Island Worlds' properties.
It appears that Doubleday - for reasons unknown - cut 'Strayed Sheep' off at 180 pages (the final sentence in 'Strayed Sheep' has an awkward quality signalling that further plot developments were in the offing). The 180 pages of 'Stayed Sheep' are present in 'Cestus', along with another 103 pages of additional content.
So: while I found 'Strayed Sheep' to be a competent novel even in its truncated form, to get the complete story, you'll want to pick up 'Cestus'.
The plot: after centuries of isolation, the Flavian System once more re-establishes contact with the Federation. The United Faiths - a sort of Galactic ecumenical council representing Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism - approves of proselytizing in the Flavian System......on a first-come, first-converted basis, of course.Anxious to see millions of converts added to the fold, the Pope dispatches a Jesuit priest named Miles, and a Franciscan brother named Jeremiah, to the Flavian homeworld of Charun and its capital city, Augusta, where they are to begin their Missions.
There is a marked contrast between the two: Miles is a man of action; brilliant in mind, devious and calculating in his ability to read, and exploit, the motives and desires of those he seeks to convert. And, by virtue of being trained on a heavy-gravity world, Miles is a masterful fighter in both hand-to-hand combat and the use of firearms. For Father Miles, a member of the eponymous Brotherhood of Cestus Dei, the use of venality and violence are perfectly acceptable, if they bring souls to Salvation..........
Jeremiah, on the other hand, is the quintessential Franciscan: meek, mild, seeking to convert the heathens through kindness and generosity of spirit. He is at times discomfited by the mercenary nature of Father Miles's tactics.
But once they arrive at Augusta, both men realize that converting Charun will not be easy. Although peopled by the the descendants of European spacefarers, monotheism has long since been abandoned on Charun, and in its place, the Consul has established the Roman practice of bread and circuses. Gambling, prostitution, drug abuse, and bloody gladiatorial games distract the populace from their impoverished misery. Allegiances among the ruling oligarchs are made solely for personal gain, and betrayal is simply another tool of statecraft.
Which strategy for conversion will win out - the hard-edged practicality of Father Miles ? Or the humble persona of Brother Jeremiah ? Whatever strategy to be employed must be immediately successful.........for it turns out the Muslims also have their eye on the Flavian System.........
'Cestus Dei' is a straightforward space opera, written in a clear and declarative prose style. What motivated me to give it four stars is the author's decision to color the actions of Father Miles and his church with a slight, but undeniable, note of extremism. For Miles and his superiors, lethal measures are quite justifiable if they protect the innocent and deter sinners......and the pirates and the warlords of the Flavian System are unashamed sinners.
By avoiding a predictable narrative, in which the pacifism and selflessness of Father Jeremiah (improbably) winds over the hearts of evildoers, 'Cestus Dei' exhibits a transgressive sensibility that I found entertaining. For that reason, this novel is worth picking up.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Tarzan and Jane
by James Michaelson
from Zona 84 issue 20, 1985
This illustration was part of the promotional package for the 1981 film Tarzan, the Ape Man, starring Bo Derek. It apparently was considered too risque to appear in mainstream advertising in the US, and never was used.
While the illustration certainly is striking, whether it would have made a difference in the film's reception had it been used in advertising is debatable. Despite Bo Derek's reluctant agreement to appear semi-nude throughout the film, Tarzan, the Ape Man is considered one of the worst movies ever made, and flopped at the box office.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Book Review: Generation

Like Gerrold’s 1971 anthology ‘Protostars’, also co-edited with Stephen Goldin, ‘Generation’ is an all-new compilation of ‘speculative fiction’ pieces from both established and new authors. In his Introduction, Gerrold reveals that the anthology was assembled in 1969 and scheduled for publication in 1970, but circumstances beyond his control delayed publication until 1972.
One thing that will get the immediate attention of modern-day readers is the un-Woke nature of Gerrold’s introductions for some of the female authors. Of Kathleen Sky, Gerrold writes:
Kathleen Sky may be the most liberated woman I know.
First of all, she is a supple and delicious creature. There may be girls in this world who are prettier than Kathleen Sky – but certainly not sexier. This girl exudes such a warm femininity that every man in her presence notices her.
And for Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, we are told:
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro is a cuddly little lump of blond femininity. She has a cute nose, a smile that never quits, and is a seemingly boundless source of energy and enthusiasm.
………Yeah, times sure were different back in 1972……….!
Upon finishing ‘Generation’ it is quite apparent that few contributors were willing to submit quality pieces; most of the entries in this anthology are short, fragmentary, tossed-off works that signal that the rates Gerrold and Dell were offering were Low at best…………..indeed, ‘The Shortest Science-Fiction Story Ever Told’ by Roger Deeley consists of just three words.
My capsule summaries of the 25 entries, starting with the best:
It’s Very Clean, by Gene Wolfe: I consider Wolfe to be an over-rated author, but this tale from early in his career - about the future of prostitution - has coherent prose, a tangible plot, and a worthwhile denouement. That’s really all anyone can ask from a New Wave era story…………
Psychedelic Flight, by Robert Ray: some hippies find that their new choice of recreational drug triggers unpleasant revelations. Stands alongside Harlan Ellison’s ‘Shattered Like A Glass Goblin’, and Avram Davidson and Grania Davis’s ‘The New Zombies’, as an effective treatment of the dark side of the hippie movement. Gerrold’s own ‘All of Them Were Empty’ (below) arguably belongs in this select company, too.
The Galactic Clock, by Vonda N. McIntyre: Elroy Finchwood is one of those unfortunate people for whom life is one constant trial. Can a hippie commune save him ? This story prefigures M. John Harrison’s 1975 tale ‘Breaking Down’ as an insightful examination of infection with entropy.
Beside Still Waters, by Edward Bryant and James Sutherland: an urban fantasy – with a John Cheever-ish tenor - about a swimming pool.
Here’s A Health Unto His Majesty, by Roger Deeley: here, Deeley provides a complete short story. Tavern patrons in Merrie Olde England muse over the arrival of a man who claims to be from 1962.
The remaining stories in ‘Generation’ consist of fables and parables from Stephen Goldin (‘Stubborn’), Robert E. Toomey, Jr. (‘The Re-Creation’), Barry M. Malzberg (‘Vidi, Vici, Veni’), Kathleen Sky (‘One Ordinary Day, With Box’), Edward Bryant and Jody Harper (‘Nova Morning’), Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (‘Everything That Begins With An ‘M’’), Joseph F. Pumilia (‘The Porter of Hell-Gate’), and C. F. Hensel (‘A Sense of Time’).
Two entries from Alice Sheldon / James Tiptree Jr. are unremarkable. ‘Through A Lass Darkly’ is a satirical treatment of a future Valley Girl and her diction, while ‘Amberjack’ is a plotless short-short story featuring stream-of-consciousness-New-Wave-Hipster Jive.
‘Reprisal’, by Alice Laurence, is a very earnest and overly labored example of the hallowed New Wave era practice of using sci-fi tropes to say something Profound about Racial Prejudice. In this case, people born with wings suffer discrimination........ at the hands of those born without wings.
Other entries are uninspired, workmanlike efforts at satire: ‘Every Fourth House’ by Evelyn Lief; ‘Up Schist Creek’ by Piers Anthony Jacob; ‘The Birthday Boy’ by James Stevens; ‘The Lady Was for Kroinking’ by David R. Bunch; ‘…..After They’ve Seen Paree’ by Dennis O’Neil, and ‘Constitution in E Flat’ by Paul A. Carter.
Surprisingly for an anthology issued during the Vietnam War, Gardner Dozois’s ‘Conditioned Reflex’ is the sole antiwar story. Although it is set in a fictional future conflict, its allegorical nature should have been quite clear to anyone reading it in 1972.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Zetari by John M. Burns

From 1984 to 1988, Burns teamed up with the Dutch writer Martin Lodewijk to produce 'Zetari', a fantasy comic featuring a female lead. Zetari was serialized in Panorama magazine, the Italian magazine L'Eternauta, and the Spanish magazine Zona 84.

Thursday, August 6, 2020
Rolling Stones Dance Part 1
'Dance Pt. 1' and 'If I Was A Dancer (Part II)'
As July 1980 slides into August 1980, the Rolling Stones' latest album, Emotional Rescue, released at the end of June, continues to supply the soundtrack to the Summer.
The first track on the album is the infectious disco song 'Dance (Pt. 1)'. While not released as a single, it did reach number 9 on the Billboard Dance chart.
The band recorded an alternate version of 'Dance', which was titled 'If I Was A Dancer (Pt. II)'. This was released as a track on the compilation album Sucking in the Seventies in 1981.
Together, the two versions perfectly capture the hedonistic attitude of Studio 54 and the city's disco culture, as the elites partied away while New York sunk ever further into decay.
Hey, what am I doing standing here on the corner of
West 8th Street and 6th Avenue and...
Ah, skip it.
Nothing. Keith! Watcha, watcha doing? (whistle)
Oh, I think the time has come to get out, get out
Get up, get out, get into something new
Get up, get out, into something new
Ooh! And it's got me moving (Got me moving honey!)
Ooh! And it's got me moving
Ooh! And it's got me moving
Ooh! And it's got me moving
My my my, my my my, my my my, my my my, my
Poor man eyes a rich man
Denigrates his property
A rich man eyes a poor man
And envies his simplicity.
Get up, get up, into something new
Get up, get out, down into something new
Ooh! and it's got me moving
Ooh! and it's got me moving
Ooh! and it's got me moving
Ooh! and it's got me moving
Ooh! and it's got me moving
Yeah, get up, get up, get out
Into something new
Yeah, all, woncha all, woncha all, woncha all
Don't stand accused...
I stand accused of talking
But I feel that we are falling
In the same old groove
The radio is playing
Spitting out the same old news
It's time to get up, get out
Get out into something new
Time to get up, get out
Out into something new
Everybody wants somebody's fantasy
Everybody wants somebody's crazy dreams
Everybody wants somebody's crazy dreams
If I was a woman, I would want a new man every night
If I was a woman, I would want a new man every night
If I was a politician, make sure I was the best in sight
If I was a woman, I would want a new man every night
Denigrates his poverty
The rich man eyes the poor man
And envies his simplicity
Everybody wants somebody's crazy dreams
If I was a movie star, five million dollars would be my price
If I was a trucker, I'd drive for seven days and seven lonely Nights
If I was a drummer, I would never miss the beat
If I was a dancer, y'all would never see my feet
If I was a hooker, a thousand dollars would be my price, all right
If I was a candidate for President, I'd make sure I had a steady wife
If I was a millionaire, I'd spend all my money in one crazy night
Yeah, my my boss
I tear across the dollar
I am my own boss
Monday, August 3, 2020
Book Review: One Half of the World
3 / 5 Stars
'One Half of the World' (277 pp) was published in hardback by Harper and Brothers (U.S.) in 1957 (as far as I can tell, no paperback edition ever was released).
James Barlow was born in 1921 in Birmingham, England, and was of Welsh background. During World War Two he served in the Royal Air Force as a gunnery instructor before being discharged due to tuberculosis. After convalescing in a sanitarium (the first randomized clinical trial for the efficacy of streptomycin against tuberculosis took place in 1946), Barlow took a job with the city of Birmingham water bureau.
The United States remains hostile to this New Order, and supports a small, but determined, Resistance movement in the U.K.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Heavy Metal Presents: Moebius
Heavy Metal released this compilation of all-new (i.e., it had not previously appeared in the magazine) Moebius material in 1981. Due to speculators, copies in good condition have steep asking prices, but I was able to find a nice copy for $6 in my local comic book shop.
The first half of Heavy Metal Presents: Moebius is made up of an English translation of the initial chapters of the 'Black Incal' (L'Incal Noir) comic.
The coloring scheme reflects the state of comic book printing in 1981, which was not that great............
Then there is a section of book and magazine covers:
Closing out the compilation are some shorter color and black-and-white comics.
The best of these is 'The Detour', a satirical tale of Moebius on vacation in the South of France with his wife and baby; despite its heavy amount of text, the comic brings forth the artists' genius at draftsmanship, particularly in this self-portrait:
Summing up, while I wouldn't pay $30 or more for a copy of Heavy Metal Presents: Moebius, if you come across a copy for $20 or less then I recommend picking it up.