Sunday, April 2, 2023

April 2023 is Brit Crime month

April 2023 is Brit Crime Month at the PorPor Books Blog !

Here at the PorPor Books Blog, we like to take a break from reading science fiction, horror, and fantasy media from the late 1960s to the late 1980s, and instead focus on another genre of literature.

For April, 2023, we're going to look at British crime and suspense novels. Now, everyone and his brother has reviewed 'Get Carter' (aka 'Jack's Return Home') by Ted Lewis, so I thought I'd look at some rather less well-known titles:

These books have expanded my vocabulary, with words like 'dreich' (Scottish for gloomy, dull weather) and 'blagging' (Brit term, for achieving something through guile and trickery). I've also learned that the UK in November is marked by overcast skies, chill drizzle, widespread clinical depression, decrepit tenements discolored by layers of soot initially deposited in the early 19th century, and vitamin D deprivation. 

Stand by for reviews of Brit Crime all this month !

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