The cold days of January 1983 unfold…. . and in the latest issue of Heavy Metal, Joseph Chiodo provides the front cover, and Douglas Beekman, the back cover.
In the 'Dossier' section, Rok Critic Lou Stathis holds forth on Art
Rock, while Merle Ginsberg rhapsodizes over every hipster’s icon of early 80s
affection, the since-forgotten Laurie Anderson.
Samuel Delaney (resolutely
referred to here as ‘Chip’ Delaney) is the Interview subject. Disney’s newly
opened Epcot Center gets a less than stellar review. Captain Beefheart, another obscure musician beloved by the 80s rock hipster set, gets some favorable coverage.
Some good material in the pages of the January issue; new installments of ‘The Ape’, ‘Yragael’, ‘Freak Show’, ‘Starstruck’, and ‘Den II’.
Also appearing are several very good one-shots. One is Charles Burns’s Heavy Metal
debut, 'Robot Love', featuring El Borba, posted below.